Services & Prices*
Mama Massage Chicago is proud to offer the following services. Please note that as of 2/1/2019 we will no longer be offering in-home massages. As always, any outstanding gift certificates for in-home massages will be honored without expiration.
Prenatal Massage
Help bring comfort to a period of added physical and emotional stress. Performed in side-lying position, our prenatal massage is safe in the second or third trimesters for moms of multiples as well as single babies.
60min- $75
90min- $120
Thai Shiatsu & Prenatal Thai Shiatsu
Performed fully clothed on a floor massage mat, Thai Shiatsu works the body’s meridians through deep assisted stretching. It is likened to someone doing yoga for you. Sessions are approximately 1 hour. Try the prenatal version to help get you out of your first trimester funk!
Pediatric Massage
Mama Massage is excited to offer Pediatric Massage! Appropriate for children ages 1-18, Pediatric Massage has been proven to help with sleep behavior, assisting with weight gain, growing pains, respiratory problems, anxiety and stress and many more pediatric ailments & diseases as well as Hospice & palliative care. Pediatric Massage sessions are approximately 30 minutes & are usually performed with the child fully clothed & ALWAYS with a parent or guardian present. All new pediatric clients must participate in 4 initial sessions before compiling a treatment plan for additional sessions.
Initial 4 sessions $190
Additional sessions $50
Postpartum Massage
Perfect for new mamas, this massage addresses all those areas you’ve been neglecting for the last 9 months (maybe longer). A full 90 minutes on the table will leave you totally relaxed & ready to get back to your baby a new woman. For mamas who’ve had a vaginal birth, it is safe to receive this massage as early as 1 week postpartum & mamas who’ve had a c-section as soon as their incision has healed & stitches have been removed.
Swedish Massage/Deep Tissue
A not so typical relaxation massage catered to the special needs of a busy mom.
60min- $75
Fertility Massage
We offer two types of Fertility massage; the Mama Boost- to help thicken the uterine lining, increase follicle development and strengthen egg quality and the Quick Prep- designed to help the body to prepare for pregnancy by loosening the muscles of the abdomen and chest cavity. Fertility massages last 1-2 hours, depending on individual needs.
Post-Mastectomy/Lumpectomy Massage
Designed to help breast cancer patients and survivors maintain or regain range of motion in the shoulder girdle. This massage is also proven to reduce swelling due to the removal of lymph. This treatment can begin as soon as stitches are removed! We recommend 6 sessions for maximum results.
Ashiatsu Massage
Mama Massages newest offering, Ashiatsu is performed with the client face down for the entirety of the massage. Your therapist will be massaging with her feet, while using stabilizing bars suspended from the ceiling. Expect deep, constant pressure throughout.
60 min- $75
90 min- $120
Event and Corporate Chair Massage
Infant Massage Class
In this class parents will learn to massage & soothe their infants in all environments. Infant massage promotes bonding, can help with sleep, colic & so much more!
$200 for 4 private, 30 minute sessions
$150 for 4 session group class
"Night Out" Massage Class
Host a 60 minute "night out" massage class in your home or our office. Choose your class topic:
-Head, neck & face
-Shoulders, arms hands & chest
-Feet, legs, glutes
5 Person minimum,
$30 per person
At Home Partner Massage
Taught in our office, the At Home Partner Massage session lets you learn to massage your partner on a massage table, a chair or the floor & take these skills home with you. A great date night activity you can incorporate into your daily life to make the time between professional massages a little more bearable.
$300 1st couple
$250 each additional couple
1st Birthday Party
Looking for a unique, original idea for your baby's first birthday? Mama Massage will come to your host location & teach an infant massage class for you & your guests! Party includes instructional handouts, organic coconut oil & lesson of your choice. COntact for more information.
$300 & up, depending on party size. 50 child maximum
Pediatric Massage Party
Ideal for kids 3-8 years of age, a Pediatric Massage Party includes kids & parents in the fun! Learn to massage with an age appropriate "massage story" made special for your child. Party includes print out.instructions of your child's massage story & organic coconut oil for guests.
$300 & up, depending on party size. 50 child maximum